May Divine Wisdom, Divine Love and Divine Power reside in you and guide you in your choices and actions from now on

Master Morya

3 October 2012

I AM Master Morya.

I have come to announce the end of the cycle of Messages that we gave you in the days after the autumn equinox. Through them, you received some useful and timely guidance. If you apply that, you could successfully continue your way ahead along the Path to God in the times that are coming.

All the Messages that we give you could be useful to you if you read them over and over again, being full of Divine Love, and if you ask us, the Ascended Beings of Light, to help you apply them in your life. Reading and application – this is the formula that will open the possibility for you to benefit fully from the useful effect embedded in the Message.

I have also come to inform you that the answers we give to some of the questions received on our Messenger’s website are also Messages through which we give you our Teaching. They are published precisely for this very reason – because they are for everybody. These are answers to questions that more or less concern many of you, beloved, being in this embodiment of yours on the planet Earth.

The opportunity to ask questions that arise during your advance on the Path, as well as getting the answers from us, is part of the program given by Presence of our Father One when the UNIFICATION website was created. However, so far, very few answers have been received because of the purely material and domestic issues that hindered our Messenger to work more efficiently and at her full capacity. I want to tell you that her work so far did not reach even half of the capabilities for work that she has.

The care for the financial assurance of our Messenger at any time of her embodiment is yours, beloved, and it is needless to repeat that to you in each subsequent cycle of Messages. And after I told you all this, we will stop talking on this topic in the future. What has been said is enough, and it is part of the Message that I am giving you now. Its application is in your hands. And each of you will choose how to express his/her free will from now on.

I know that everything could change for the Better, for abundance, as long as you wish for it. And when you want that for our Messenger, abundance will come to you, and it will be more than you need so that there is some for her, too. And as we give you everything you need in all the key moments of the times, the same way you could provide the necessary care to our Messenger, who works for your well-being.

The help we give you through her with all our Love is quite valuable, and you could benefit from it in all circumstances of life as long as you take full advantage of it. After all, how much and what you will receive from now on depends on you only – on the application of the Teaching that we give you and on the constant care and support that you provide to the Messenger through whom our Word and help come to all of you.

I Bless you so that Divine Wisdom, Divine Love and Divine Power reside in you and guide you in your choices and actions from now on.

I AM Master Morya

